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Freelance Work

My work for the Shadow is not the only reflection of my journalistic ability. I've sought to expand the audiences that view my work by getting published in outside outlets. Though it can be difficult to find newspapers and sites that are willing to publish high school journalists, that only means I have a higher threshold to push myself to overcome.  


Citing history and polling data, this piece published by Exponents Magazine made the case for progressives adopting a more patriot-friendly frame to their policies. Read more here.


Another piece that incorporates a lot of American and European history, I enjoyed writing about the growing tension between economic conservativism and family formation. Read my piece in Liberal Currents here.


This piece for The Nevada Independent covered how the Biden child tax credit could be modified to incentivize marriage more. Citing research I did with Max Ghenis, I'm proud to have been published by one of the largest papers in my state. Read more here.

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